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Every moment is Precious

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Our Package


Bussiness Fair

For most businesses event like book fair, craft fair.

  • limited space access

  • Secuirty facility

  • event support

  • Decoration design

  • Per day bill

Choose plan


wedding basic

For most businesses event like book fair, craft fair.

  • Full space access

  • Food arrangement

  • mangement support

  • Decoration design

  • Billed as shift

Choose plan


Wedding plus

For most businesses event like book fair, craft fair.

  • Full space access

  • Dedicated team

  • Buffet food

  • premium Decoration

  • pay as plan

Choose plan


Bussiness Fair

For most businesses event like book fair, craft fair.

  • Full space access

  • Dedicated team

  • Buffet food

  • premium Decoration

  • pay as plan

Choose plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Events by Knight offer tailor made events. This means we incorporate both event design and event planning to create that perfect event.Event design and event planning work hand in hand to deliver a successful event.

Events by awesome offer tailor made events. This means we incorporate both event design and event planning to create that perfect event.Event design and event planning work hand in hand to deliver a successful event.

Events by awesome offer tailor made events. This means we incorporate both event design and event planning to create that perfect event.Event design and event planning work hand in hand to deliver a successful event.

Events by awesome offer tailor made events. This means we incorporate both event design and event planning to create that perfect event.Event design and event planning work hand in hand to deliver a successful event.

Our Convention Center PLane





